Sustainability focus: how Quarsh delivers recruitment and retention

Quarsh. The “go-to” recruitment and retention solution for companies with a genuine commitment to sustainability.

“So what’s your B Corp story?” This question has come up hundreds of times since we gained our certification. Without exception, it’s spoken with genuine interest in the journey that brought us to where we are today. For businesses still finding their way, sustainability can feel daunting, sometimes like an ideal everyone talks about but few truly understand. It’s no surprise there’s skepticism, especially when stories of greenwashing get more attention than the quiet progress many businesses are making.

Our expertise is recruitment and retention, and we know that companies with a clear sustainability focus excel at both. Why? Because recruiting and retention are two sides of the same coin. Strong recruitment leads to strong retention, and solid retention improves recruitment. If your company values sustainability, chances are you’ll find it easier to attract and retain the talent you need, particularly with regards to those generations who are looking for a career with a purpose as opposed to one that just pays the bills. People today are looking for more than just a paycheck—they want to work for companies that care about their employees, their communities, and the environment. And in a competitive market, this gives you a distinct edge.

If you’re one of these forward-thinking companies, you’re probably looking to work with suppliers who share your values. Here’s ours.

Lucy, our co-founder, has always been a bit obsessed with the environment. The poster she remembers most clearly from her teenage years wasn’t of a band, but of the Amazon rainforest being destroyed. While teaching SCUBA, she carried a mesh bag on dives to collect rubbish from the sea floor. In 2006, she led Norman Broadbent to become the world’s first carbon-neutral search firm and joined the All-Party Political Climate Change Group. When B Corp certification came onto her radar, it just made sense. Why wouldn’t we want to use business as a force for good?

Sustainability in recruitment goes much deeper than eliminating paper or using reusable water bottles (though those are great things to do). For us, it’s about creating a recruitment environment where everyone wins. When you focus on recruiting the right people, and keep improving the way you recruit, you’ll find better talent, they’ll stay longer, and they’ll be more productive. It’s a self-reinforcing cycle. As a leader, your role is to create the right conditions, giving your people the tools, authority, and environment they need to make decisions that benefit the business, the people, and the planet. This also means trusting your suppliers to guide you through challenging market conditions.

That’s why we love working with companies where sustainability is second nature. Trust, openness, and a commitment to doing the right thing are key, and it’s something that’s earned on both sides. Whether it’s a short-term project or a long-term partnership, starting with a shared belief in doing better leads to better results. Simple as that.

We aim to be the recruitment and retention solution for companies focused on sustainability. Here’s what that means to us:

  • Commercial terms that are fair to both sides
  • Solutions that address the real problems you face
  • A focus on continual improvement
  • Always doing the right thing

We’d love to meet with you to explore how sustainable recruitment practices can benefit your business and strengthen your recruitment and retention strategies. If you have any questions or want to discuss further, complete the contact form below or drop us an email at