Quarsh’s Talent Trends. Mid Year 2024

Understand the latest talent trends, what is driving them and how to manage them in the future.

As we reach the mid-point of 2024, the UK workforce is at a pivotal point of transformation. The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, technological advancements, and shifting generational values have collectively reshaped the expectations and aspirations of the workforce, particularly among the younger generation. Employers in 2024 face an unprecedented challenge adapting to these changes, ensuring they can attract and retain the talent necessary for future success.

The UK currently has over 900,000 unfilled jobs, many of them requiring skilled candidates. This has led to a situation where 92% of employers last year faced skills shortages (Hays). Employers need to understand what the latest talent trends are and what is driving them if they are to hope to manage them in the future.

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