Mental Fitness Training from BlueQ Academy and Quarsh

Mental Health issues will affect over 60% of workers at some point and costs the UK economy over £75 billion a year. To help organisations to deal with the enormous impact this represents Quarsh and its training company, BlueQ Academy, have developed a fantastic platform of training products:

  • Half-day introduction – Overview and key learnings
  • Full-day training – Basic content with examples, basic tools and learning exercises
  • Three day intensive course – Full content, tools, individual and group exercises and developing a Mental Fitness policy and plan for your company


All have the same agenda:

  • Help your managers and company to be more aware of Mental Health issues
  • Reduce the incidence of it occurring
  • Reduce the impact when it does occur
  • Improve employee morale, engagement and happiness
  • Reduce attrition, sickness, absenteeism and ‘presenteeism’
  • Improve the bottom line


Mental Health vs Mental Fitness

What is Mental Fitness and how is it different to Mental Health?

Mental Fitness: The benefits of cultivating a Mentally Fit workforce

The impact of Mental Health issues on business and individuals. How having a workplace aligned to Mental Fitness reduces Mental Health issues.

Breaking down the stigma

Why people dislike talking about Mental Health. Why it’s important that you do. How to go about it.

Creating a Mentally Fit Workplace

What the company can do to create a mentally fit working environment:

  • Culture
  • Good Hiring Practice
  • Workload
  • Staff Development
  • Identifying those at risk
  • Communication
  • Accountability

How to Manage to promote Mental Fitness

What managers can do to improve the mental fitness of their teams:

  • Positive management styles
  • Management techniques
  • Leading by example
  • Getting to know your employees
  • Promoting positive working relationships
  • Monitoring Employee Mental Health
  • Knowing when enough is enough
  • Removing the stigma
  • Embedding employee engagement
  • Being open to reasonable adjustments
  • Emotional resilience

How to Guide Individuals to Promote their own Mental Fitness

What the employee can do to improve their mental fitness:

  • Having responsibility
  • How to communicate about Mental Fitness
  • Peer support and mentoring
  • Finding your level
  • Doing what’s right for you
  • Good stress and bad stress
  • Healthy body, healthy mind
  • Self-Awareness
  • Time management


Contact us now on +44 (0)121 355 6026 or email to learn more about our Mental Health courses to help your organisation